Both 32 and 64 Bits Supported

Jar2Exe supports 32 bits and 64 bits exe creation


Since V2.1.1, the is only one edition of Jar2Exe which can generate both 32bits and 64bits of binary files. Earlier than V2.0.10, Jar2Exe has 2 editions: 32 bits edition and 64 bits edition:

  • 32 bits edition of Jar2Exe itself runs on 32 bits or 64 bits of Windows.
  • 64 bits edition of Jar2Exe itself runs on 64 bits of Windows only.

To generate exe files, earlier than V2.0.10:

  • 32 bits edition of Jar2Exe can generate 32 bits exe files only.
  • 64 bits edition of Jar2Exe can generate 32 bits exe files and 64 bits exe files.

Since V2.1.1:

  • 32bits edition of Jar2Exe can generate both 32bits and 64bits of binary files.
  • 32bits edition of Jar2Exe can generate universal binary files for Mac OS X.
  • 64bits edition of Jar2Exe is deprecated.

Generated Exe with JRE and OS

32 bits of generated exe can run with 32 bits of JRE only. 64 bits of generated exe can run with 64 bits of JRE only.

 On 64 bits of Windows, 32 bits of JRE can be installed on it, so 32 bits of generated exe can run on 64 bits of Windows with 32 bits of JRE:

  • 32 bits of generated exe + 32 bits of JRE + 32 bits of Windows ==> OK to run
  • 32 bits of generated exe + 32 bits of JRE + 64 bits of Windows ==> OK to run
  • 64 bits of generated exe + 64 bits of JRE + 64 bits of Windows ==> OK to run

On 64 bits of Windows, 32 bits of JRE and 64 bits of JRE can be installed at the same time.

 On Linux, the same as Windows:

  • 32 bits of generated exe + 32 bits of JRE + 32 bits of Linux ==> OK to run
  • 32 bits of generated exe + 32 bits of JRE + 64 bits of Linux ==> OK to run
  • 64 bits of generated exe + 64 bits of JRE + 64 bits of Linux ==> OK to run



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