2 simple console program.
2 simple console programs to show usage of Derby database.
The first database is on disk, the database is in Read-Write mode. The second database is in the exe file, the database is in Readonly mode.
Before the demo steps, make a directory "X:\demos\database", and create a derby database "firstdb".
1. Edit a java source file: "X:\demos\src\hello\derby\DemoDerby1.java"
package hello.derby; import java.sql.*; /** * In this demo, the Derby database file is on disk. * * The database file is in the relative directory "./database" of exe file. * * @author sswater */ public class DemoDerby1 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // // Get the exe file directory // This property does not exist unless this java program runs as an exe file // String application_home = System.getProperty("application.home"); // If not set, this program is run directly by java.exe, for test only //if(application_home == null) { application_home = "d:/test/"; } // // To set derby directory, relative to exe file. The files is on disk // System.setProperty("derby.system.home", application_home + "/database"); // // load database file at derby.system.home // Class.forName("org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"); Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:firstdb"); // // read data // Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM firsttable"); while(rs.next()) { System.out.println(rs.getString(1) + "\t| " + rs.getString(2)); } conn.close(); } }
2. Enter "X:\demos" directory and compile it to a class file:
X:\>cd demos X:\demos>javac src/hello/derby/DemoDerby1.java
3. Make a jar file:
X:\demos>jar -cvf demoderby1.jar -C src hello/derby/DemoDerby1.class
4. Use Jar2Exe to generate exe file for Windows and Linux:
X:\demos>j2ewiz demoderby1.jar /m hello.derby.DemoDerby1 X:\demos>j2ewiz demoderby1.jar /m hello.derby.DemoDerby1 /platform linux
5. Edit a configuration file to set classpath: "X:\demos\demoderby1.cfg"
classpath lib/derby.jar
Now we can execute the "demoderby1.exe".
6. Download the program for reference.
- demoderby1.zip - 2.58M, download this demo program.
- demos.7z - 5.75M, all demos in one file.
1. Edit a java source file: "X:\demos\src\hello\derby\DemoDerby3.java"
package hello.derby; import java.sql.*; /** * In this demo, the Derby database file is internal in the exe file. * * We can select HIDE or ENCRYPT when we use Jar2Exe, * and we can also add 'derby.jar' into the exe file too. * * @author sswater */ public class DemoDerby3 { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // // The database file is in exe file // Class.forName("org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver"); Connection conn = DriverManager. getConnection("jdbc:derby:classpath:database/firstdb"); // // read data // Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM firsttable"); while(rs.next()) { System.out.println(rs.getString(1) + "\t| " + rs.getString(2)); } conn.close(); } }
2. Enter "X:\demos" directory and compile it to a class file:
X:\>cd demos X:\demos>javac src/hello/derby/DemoDerby3.java
3. Make a jar file:
X:\demos>jar -cvf demoderby3.jar -C src hello/derby/DemoDerby3.class
4. Pack database to be a jar file:
X:\demos>jar -cvf database.jar database
5. Use Jar2Exe to generate exe file for Windows and Linux:
We can adding 'derby.jar' and 'database.jar' together like this:
X:\demos>j2ewiz demoderby3.jar /m hello.derby.DemoDerby3 /embed database.jar /embed lib/derby.jar X:\demos>j2ewiz demoderby3.jar /m hello.derby.DemoDerby3 /embed database.jar /embed lib/derby.jar /platform linux
Now we can execute 'demoderby3.exe' without database directory and derby.jar.
6. Download the program for reference.
- demoderby3.zip - 7.68M, download this demo program.
- demos.7z - 5.75M, all demos in one file.
See Also
- See Depended Jars page for more details about packing depended jar files.