Current release of Jar2Exe is v2.5.x
V2.7.0: Major upgrade of Jar2Exe wizard, 2023-7-7
- Support Java 5 ~ Java 21
- Support ARM MacOS and ARM Windows. (Binary for ARM MacOS needs to be codesigned before run.)
V2.5.5: Minor feature upgrade and Bugfix of Jar2Exe wizard, 2023-3-16
- Bugfix of "platform encoding not initialized" error on Windows when multi JREs in PATH
- Support "singleinstance handover" to handover command line arguments to the first without starting a JVM.
V2.5.4: Minor fix of Jar2Exe wizard, 2021-3-18
- Support Java 5 ~ Java 14.
- Fix "(empty-jar)" as main jar at command line.
- Fix spring boot program startup error with Java 8 in some cases.
V2.5.3: Upgrade of Jar2Exe wizard, 2019-5-19
- Increase the complex of encryption, each file within jar using a different key to encrypt.
- Support Java 8 ~ Java 14. (Java 7 and below not supported)
- Detect JDK and JRE from registry on Windows.
V2.2.4: Upgrade of Jar2Exe wizard, 2019-6-11
- Support to wrap and encrypt Spring Boot project.
V2.2.3: Upgrade of Jar2Exe wizard, 2019-2-24
- Support to start with OpenJDK 10, OpenJDK 11.
V2.2.2: Upgrade of Jar2Exe wizard, 2017-12-18
- Support to start with JAVA 9.
- ClassLoader supports to load protected resources with path contains ".."
V2.2.1: Upgrade of Jar2Exe wizard, 2017-5-24
- Support to generate binary executables for ARM Linux.
- The installation of Linux service program supports UpStart init system.
- The installation of Linux service program supports SystemD init system.
V2.1.8: Upgrade of Jar2Exe wizard, 2017-2-26
- New option 'appid' to identify the same app when enable 'singleinstance' option.
- Support 'option -XstartOnFirstThread' for SWT application.
- Block the environment variable 'JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS' unless it is declared in configuration.
V2.1.7: Upgrade of Jar2Exe wizard, 2015-3-25
- Fix stdout redirect problem of GUI application on Windows 7.
- Generated binary executables for Mac OS X are compatible with 'codesign'.
- Support configuration item of 'splash' to specify an external image as the SplashScreen.
- Use another quick hash method to encrypt classes to let it be loaded more quickly.
- An empty starter program to let the generated program able to be launched by double-click on Linux.
V2.1.6: Upgrade of Jar2Exe wizard, 2014-9-17
- New feature of Jar2Exe wizard to create a <pure starter> without a jar file in the binary file.
- The config 'classpath' supports wildcard (*, ?) to add more jar files at a time.
- Upgrade Jar2ExeClassLoader to avoid load class problems.
- Upgrade class encryption to increase complexity of file name hash.
- For Windows, supports wildcard (*, ?) in arguments automatically expansion. (On *nix, this is done by shell).
- For Windows, new feature "runasadmin" of generated exe file to request administrator privilege before run.
- For Windows, new system property "" to tell if the current program is running as administrator.
V2.1.5: New feature 'singleinstance' of generated binary file, 2014-7-28
- New config item 'singleinstance' to control instances allowed to be running, default 'false' means no limit.
- Support 'singleinstance true' to allow only one instance running at the same time.
- Support 'singleinstance custom' to enable communication between instances and let java program decide what to do.
V2.1.4: Bugfix of binary file for Mac OS X, 2014-4-16
- Fix the problem of binary file to run with bundled jre on Mac OS X in some cases.
- Fix the problem of closing a JavaFX program from Dock bar on Mac OS X.
- New config of 'assystemclassloader' to control 'Jar2ExeClassLoader' to be the 'getSystemClassLoader()'.
V2.1.3: Upgrade of Jar2Exe wizard, 2014-2-16
- Upgrade encryption algorithm of jar file protection to increase the difficulty of hacking.
- Compatible mode to let the ClassLoader more compatible with some third-party libraries.
- For Windows, generated exe can refer to Windows Registry in config file by ${REGISTRY_PATH\Item} format.
V2.1.2: New feature of Jar2Exe wizard, 2014-1-11
- SplashScreen supported on Linux and Mac OS X.
- Use awt.SplashScreen of JRE instead when JRE is 1.6 above.
- Bugfix of Window GUI program on Mac OS X.
V2.1.1: New feature of Jar2Exe wizard, 2013-10-23
- Support to generate binary files for Mac OS X.
- Generate universal binary with i386 and x86_64 for Mac OS X.
- 32bits of Jar2Exe can generate both 32 and 64bits of binary files. (Then 64bits of Jar2Exe is deprecated).
V2.0.x: Upgrade & Bugfix Jar2Exe wizard, 2012-10-10 ~ 2013-4-24
- Part of files in jar file can keep not hidden when hide function enabled.
- Provide a 'SelfUpgrade' class in integrate api to overwrite exe file itself for upgrade.
- Load/Save all configurations from/to a project file(.j2e|.bat).
- Jar2Exe Project file (.j2e) is associated with Jar2Exe, open Jar2Exe by double click (.j2e) file.
- External config can be disabled by internal config.
- Maxjre: Check jre version not higher than specified version.
- Customize the window title string for splash window.
- XP manifest
- Authorize switch, authorize or not generated exe file as product.
- Customize error messages such as: JRE not found.
- Find JRE from registry: to use 'JavaHome' if 'RuntimeLib' not found.
- Generated service program supports to add arguments like "/install auto arg1 arg2".
- Supports to "Config Internal" at Step 6 and "External" at Step 7.
- Generate exe files for Linux is supported.
- Export equivalent "command line" at the last step of Jar2Exe Wizard.
- Generated exe files redirect stdout and stderr to a file or pipe.
- Force Current Working Directory (forcecwd) is supported.
Upgrade History including Earlier Release:
You can get complete upgrade history on Upgrade History page.
JDK support
Dear Sirs,
Why only upto Java 5, JDK 14 is supported with jar2exe ? What about JDK 19+ ?
Native DLL's or Shared Object
is there any plan to add the feature of include DLL's with Java JNI code in resulting EXE. This would really enhance the product feaures!
Product activation
Did you consider that jar2exe can generate a file executing three times or during a period?
Are you going to support Sun-Solaris, or it's not in the roadmap?
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